Five key tenets of the Town’s mission are: maintaining
small town charm, keeping the business district active, keeping young
people excited about living in Warrenton, increasing prosperity and
vibrancy, and understanding and capitalizing on a variety of histories
while engaging the future.
GOAL 1: To improve water and sewer Infrastructure.
Key Strategic Actions
Work on the $15 million of improvements already identified
- 1.5M already completed
- Apply for grants every 6 months
GOAL 2: To generate activity in downtown.
Key Strategic Actions
Revisualize SpringFest
Short term
Encourage pop-ups, like Lake Gaston coffee
Short term
Explore intern possibilities
Short term
Clean up Storefronts
Seek compliance on existing violations.
Short term; Ongoing
Develop (options for) job description and salary range for position
Medium term
Fund Start Streetscape Plan (only as oppty presents)
GOAL 3: To add or enhance recreational opportunities.
Key Strategic Actions
Secure Parks & Rec Trust Fund grant for appraisal of Church Street 11 acres
Short term
Eye out for grants for existing park improvements that could include…
GOAL 4: To improve relationships with key partners.
Key Strategic Actions
Staff and Elected officials to reach out to Warren County Schools to express Town's interest in supporting schools and solicit their needs that Town can help with
- Explore plans for abandoned elementary school
- Guage developer interest in redeveloping into teacher housing
Short term
Staff and Elected officials to reply to invitation from Warren County Government to attend joint board meetings and shared interests.
- Possible suggest rotating meetings.
- Develop relationships with other area municipalities
Short term and Ongoing
GOAL 5: To increase the availability and variety of housing options.
Key Strategic Actions
Identify derelict properties. Consider fines or takeover and demolition.
Short term
Explore Main street options. Pay for acquisition or renovation?
Short term
Explore if elementary school can be converted to teacher housing
Medium Term
Connect with builders to determine their interest in available parcels
Eye out for opptys to add 'above retail' housing in downtown
GOAL 6: To sustain the work of the organization.
Key Strategic Actions
Plan for Key Staff Retirements
Network with area universities for interns
Short term
Undertake informal salary study (on behalf of Police Department)
Short term
Consider contracting for certification needs, when/where possible
Medium term
Encourage Kenny to keep getting certifications (ongoing)